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Meditation is the practice of calming the mind and body. It has proven to have many benefits for both physical health and mental wellbeing. Studies show that meditation can lower blood pressure, relieve chronic pain, and reduce anxiety. Not only that, but it can also improve sleep quality, boost immunity, and bring about a sense of calmness in even the most stressed individuals.

If you are wondering about the effects of meditation on the body, you are in the right spot! This blog post will explore 10 surprising benefits of meditation on your overall health. Read on for more.

Benefit of Meditation #1: Pain Management

Meditation is one of the most versatile pain management techniques to date.

The following are several ways that meditation can help manage pain:

  • Chronic pain: Meditation can reduce chronic pain by as much as 40% or more, according to a study published in The Journal of Pain . Researchers found that participants who practiced mindfulness exercises for eight weeks experienced significant relief from pain. This lasted up to six months after their participation ended.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: Yoga has shown to be an effective way of managing symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A recent control trial demonstrated yoga’s ability to improve physical function among people living with RA. In addition, those who participated had reduced levels of pain and anxiety compared to those who did not.
  • Inflammation: Meditation is also used to manage stomach issues associated with ulcerative colitis. This includes pain and inflammation. Interested in exploring mediation for managing your stomach pain and other stomach-related problems? Read more about these stomach meditation techniques.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome: . Mindfulness meditation is a form of therapy found to be effective in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology published a study on mindfulness. The study found mindfulness to be “highly efficacious” for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients.

If you suffer from stomach problems, chronic pain, or inflammation then it may be time to give meditation a try.

Benefit of Meditation #2: A Healthier Heart

One study conducted by the National Institutes on Aging showed the cardiovascular benefits of meditation. Researchers studied a control group of people who did not meditate but participated in other activities like reading. Those who meditated saw significant improvements in their cardiovascular function compared to the control group. Participants had examinations after 12 weeks and then again afterward two years later. Most showed an increase in arterial elasticity. This indicates improved cardiovascular health over time.

Mindfulness meditation can offer heart health benefits like:

  • Lowering resting heart rate
  • Decreasing the risk of high blood pressure
  • Lessening chances for a stroke or other heart attack
  • Lowering blood sugar levels
  • Decreasing the risk of developing type II diabetes
  • Slowing the progression of atherosclerosis
  • Lowering the risk of heart failure
  • Decreasing the severity and frequency of chest pain (angina)

The benefits of meditation expand far beyond just these listed above. Mindfulness meditation has also proven to help those with a history of heart attacks. Studies on those engaged in Transcendental Meditation revealed many benefits. Participants had an increased survival rate, decreased hospitalization rates, and fewer heart attack symptoms over the control group.

Benefit of Meditation #3: Longer Attention Span

Ever feel like all of the devices and technology in our lives reduces our attention span? From instant meals to instant shopping, the need to have whatever we want right away can feel overwhelming.

Often, our short attention span can lead us to opt for whatever is fastest, easiest, and most accessible. Romantic relationships that last years are rare. Fast-food chains are a dominant industry. Fad-diets that promise results within the week are an ever-popular trend.

Studies have shown that those who practice meditation regularly see a steady increase in their attention span. A short attention span allows your mind to easily wander, which usually means you worry more often and feel less present in your everyday life.

Even by meditating for a short time period each day, you can gradually increase your attention span.

Benefit of Meditation #4: Happiness!

Another benefit of mindfulness meditation is how it can create a state of happiness and general contentment. A meditation practice can help you find acceptance in your life as it is so that you are content with the present moment.

There are several ways meditation can contribute to positive feelings:

  • Meditation can release the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine regulates various emotional responses including mood.
  • The practice of meditation releases serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphins. Known as “happy hormones”, these three contribute to feelings of happiness.
  • Meditation gives practitioners a sense of control over their emotions and reactions. Such control leads them to experience greater peace.

A study found that the benefits of meditation led participants to feel happier and more positive in general. The participants of the study reported feeling significantly happier when not meditating. They did not, however, report as much relief from negative emotions like sadness, anger, or fear.

Benefit of Meditation #5: Deep Relaxation

Finding deep relaxation is possible through meditation. There are many ways to find deep relaxation through meditation and one of the most common is what’s known as mindfulness.

The practice of “mindfulness meditation” as a deep relaxation technique includes:

  • Accept what you’re experiencing without judgment or resistance. Allow even negative thoughts, emotions, and feelings to pass by like clouds in the sky.
  • Paying attention to what’s happening right now, what you’re sensing, feeling, and thinking from moment to moment.
  • Trying not to get lost in thoughts about what has happened or what might happen next while still being aware of what is actually occurring.

Benefit of Meditation #6: Reduce Anxiety

Your mental health is important! Meditation may reduce anxiety levels and lead to a general state of peace, calmness, and relaxation. The technique can help you feel more grounded in the present moment while still being aware of what is happening around you.

Mindfulness based stress reduction tactics provide:

  • Meditation reduces cortisol – which leads to feelings of stress reduction.
  • Not only does it lower stress and anxiety, but it can also help the body feel more relaxed and less tense.
  • Meditation helps people sleep better which is important for reducing stress levels .

The idea of mindfulness meditation might seem daunting or even impossible to do at first. Be aware that there are many ways you can get started with various forms of meditations. You don’t need formal mindfulness training to get started.

If you are looking for a way to reduce stress to improve your health, you may find meditation helps and improves your quality of life.

Benefit of Meditation #7: Increased Body Awareness

Another benefit of practicing meditation is an increased body and self awareness. This is especially helpful for those who have eating disorders or other mental illnesses such as depression.

Mindfulness meditation teaches focus on breathing and sensations in the present moment. It helps people become more aware of what they are feeling at any given time to not get caught up in negative thoughts or emotions.

Mindfulness and meditation offer people a heightened awareness of their bodies. They learn what triggers them to feel bad mentally and physically.

Benefit of Meditation #8: Help with Depression

The benefits of meditation for depression can be huge. One benefit is how it can help people change the way they think and feel about themselves. Meditation can help people find freedom from feeling trapped in a cycle of negativity.

Meditation decreases symptoms of:

  • Anxiety, which can be one of the symptoms of depression
  • Low self-esteem and low moods
  • Insomnia, as meditation can help people sleep better. It is also a great way to deal with stress which often leads to anxiety or depression.

Meditation can help you feel more connected to yourself and your emotions. It allows you to be more accepting of both the good and difficult moments during your life.

Benefit of Meditation #9: Memory Improvement

Meditation can help improve memory by helping you focus. It also reduces stress and anxiety which are detrimental to brain function.

If you are looking for ways meditation can improve memory, you should also read about meditation for concentration.

Techniques of meditation for memory improvement include:

  • Meditation for focus
  • Meditation to reduce stress
  • Meditation to promote a state of relaxation

So how does meditation work to create these benefits?

One of the main ways is by helping you relax on both a physical and psychological level. This leads to an improvement in moods and emotions as well as reduces stress levels that are often linked with anxiety or depression. Meditation allows the individual to take time for themselves and their needs. This allows the brain a break from everyday stresses or negativity.

Benefit of Meditation #10: Sleep better

Mindfulness is a type of meditation that helps people become more attuned with the present moment, which can lead to better sleep. Meditation reduces stress levels so you are able to fall asleep easier. You also are able to sleep longer without stressful thoughts waking you.

Research shows a meditative practice reduces sleep deprivation by as much as an hour! Additionally, practicing meditation can help you to make sleep-related decisions more consciously. and that will lead to better sleep quality. Overall sleep is more effective when practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness meditation tactics for better sleep:

  • Practice techniques such as avoiding screens at least one hour before sleep and sleep in a dark room
  • Learn to be mindful of the present moment and aware of when you are tired
  • Find ways that calm your mind such as listening to sleep music or meditating
  • Learn about sleep cycles and the sleep stages
  • Use sleep masks and noise machines to create an ideal sleeping environment

Meditation doesn’t just help sleep, but it also affects other parts of your life such as relationships and work.

FAQ for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction:

How long should I meditate to see results?

It’s different for everyone. You should meditate at least once a day and doing 15-30 minutes is best, but that may be too long to start with.

What type of meditation should I do?

There are many types of meditation practice so you can find one that works for your needs. Some people enjoy guided or mindfulness meditation. Others may find transcendental meditations more beneficial.

Is meditation scientifically proven?

Yes! There are many studies that show the health benefits of meditation training. Researchers have found significant improvements to your mental, emotional and physical health.

Does mindfulness meditation have any side effects?

There are usually no negative consequences to regular, daily meditation practice. However, people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder may experience a worsening of these symptoms when they first start meditating. When handling post-traumatic stress disorder, it’s best to consult a professional for safe treatment.

Start your mindfulness meditation today

In conclusion, meditation is a fantastic way to improve your mental health and well-being. It’s important that you find what type of meditation works best for you. Let Peak Human Health help you start your journey to a healthier life today!

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